
A Will also referred to as your Last Will and Testament details the distribution of your property after you pass away. By creating a will you give peace of mind to the loved ones who survive you. Additionally, you allow your family or friends to avoid the confusion of how to distribute your property while they are grieving.

Research shows that about 40 percent of persons over the age of 40 do not have a Will. Many of us that are uncomfortable to talk about the subject of death or mortality.

Ironically, most of my clients feel motivated to enjoy a purpose driven life after working on their Will. Perhaps the reason is because drafting a Will compels us to think about legacy. We take inventories of the people, places and things in life that have value and make our moments special. We carefully consider how to motivate or lighten the burden for our family and friends with the things we leave behind.

Call Hawkins Law, LLC today at 770-822-5635 to get started on your Will.